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Transition to Q Bits ~ Q LEGEN[D]

Q LEGEN[D] is a series written and produced by Good Dog and site hosting was provided by John B. Wells' on his Caravan To Midnight website.  When everything became ready, Good Dog established his own platform called the Q Bits channel - a place where the gloves are coming off (and where fears of shadowbanning, censorship and outright deletions are no longer a concern).


Q Bits is a made up term that conjoins the Quantum nature of reality (God's Universe) and the multi-dimensional/multiphasic nature of time (the fundamental element governing all of God's Creation) - and the loving bits of treasure that we dogs love to dig up!  TIME MACHINE is the first series covered during this transitional period.  And the good stuff is just about to be uncovered!


TIME MACHINE reveals the temporal framework that demonstrates exactly how the Global Cabal has implanted their seeds of murder and destruction and lies over the centuries.  As Q has been telling us over these past 18 months, the Lockstep Luciferian Left speak and operate in a "Mirror" reality - where truth means falsehood, falsehood becomes truth - right becomes wrong and wrong becomes right.  Biblically rooted (in a mirrored sense), the Cabal operates with Lucifer [Satan] as their Christ figure, their deity has yet to make his sacrificial appearance.  Their religious devotion to their Global Superstate and One World Religion is pursued with a fervor not seen since the Spanish Inquisition.


TIME MACHINE also exposes the false-deity, religious and sacrificial rights of their occult faith - while operating out in broad daylight.  Their messages of hate and division (which they would describe as LOVE and UNITY), couched in carefully crafted allegories, metaphors and code - are the foundation stones of their Globalist Agenda.  TIME MACHINE reveals this hidden code - and, when their words are properly decoded, we can see their evil being planned, signaled through symbolism, false-flag colors and even perpetrated on the Global Stage - BEFORE their terrorism becomes apparent.  Time Machine thus provides self-evident proofs of the merit and worth - not only of the Q Movement, but, also of God's Imminent Return!

Time Machine

Latest Show
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A Study In Time

​We're in the middle of a war that spans millennia. Distinguishing friend from foe is our first, most important lesson.  What are the characteristics of our battlespace?  Material? Spiritual? Temporal?  Given battlefields where both sides in the conflict assure us they are our friend - how to tell them apart?  How do we distinguish hidden alliances and confederates and passive enablers?   How do these confederations and enemy combatants strategies and tactics vary over time?
Time Machine, presents things as they are - not just as we wish them to be:  Our enemy is spiritual AND material - his confederates operate in broad daylight, right before our very eyes. â€‹

AIRED: 04.17.19

All the King's Horses


Queen Elizabeth the First wasn't the only monarch to face financial ruin. QE2 discovered the outcomes at the conclusion of the Second World War spelt the end of the ancient system of European Nobility - systems of rampant racism, global enslavement and obscene wealth accumulation at the expense of the masses crumbled as the greater family of man cried out for freedom.

But the enemy had a plan.  He falsely promised his 'noble' families vast fortunes denominated in billions of souls - resurrected ascendancy - and to be worshiped as gods.  This episode explores this hidden strategy: largess of billions of souls would be it's prize.

AIRED: 04.26.19
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Follow The Money


Follow the money tracks the rise of the Clinton Crime Family & their DOJ Henchmen.  BCCI deal greased the skids: not only George Bush's Banana Republic quagmire - but opened also the door to the same Global Spy Network that would be employed by The Mule and His Communist Gang of Thugs.  Trillion$. Where things get really interesting - are the crown jewels of any nation - her secrets: names of secret agents, high technology military & space secrets. Think treasure chests & pirates.

AIRED: 05.06.19
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Things Yet To Come

Project HAMR [The Hammer] - a supercomputer that provided massive, instantaneous, Global Surveillance - including domestically in the United States. Their entire plan, laid out long ago by HG Wells in his masterpiece of murder - things yet to come!  Problem is, the Clowns  Super Computer!  Top Secrets are being sold to Chicoms - Comey's DOJ doesn't even slap a wrist.  Who is Eddie Haskell & why does it matter? While we have been sold the illusion of D's vs. R's, actual high tech and Luciferian thieves are doing more than open the door to ripping us off blind 

AIRED: 05.13.19
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SPECTRE: The House of Saud

With 2008 reported assets estimated at more than $25.9 Trillion (more than twice the size of the entire US GDP), Global Luciferians kicked it up a notch the following year through the TARP Bailouts (Banks's Too Big To Fail??) & catapulted their asset pile to more than $150 Trillion by the end of Hussein's Regime - and an estimated $300 Trillion today.

Tonight's episode reveals the interconnected nature of the House of Saud and Donald J. Trump's takedown of the Global Cabal.  And what is it that the House of Saud shares in common with the losers of America's Civil War?  Hidden Slave Markets.

AIRED: 05.18.19
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Shell Game

Learning to spot their "Confederates" in on the action and how they visually signal one another is key to understand when playing Shell Game.  They've been in on the little secret for centuries - and we've been robbed pillar to post ever since.  Problem is, now they're not just playing with our money in a rigged [WALL] Street Game; now, these illusionist villains have our livelihoods, our children's lives - and even the future of mankind they're ripping off! And, they mean to take us for everything of worth that we have - even our very lives, when push comes to shove. UK PM May, Resigns!  Will stand in office until successor chosen by Queen.

AIRED: 05.24.19
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Time Machine

First show on New Platforms!  Breakdown of how Shell Games are played.  Historical examples provided - 3 concurrent Shell Games - simplify and make sense of the insensible.  We The People have been conned by these fellers using Shell Game - and the BIG CONN (Medical Tyranny) is about to be revealed - the deployment of Global Socialism
Historic Balfour Declaration is key to understanding the Suez & Middle East Crises that have plagued our world.  Goes back to 1815 - and the convenient 'insanity' [poisoning?] of King George III.  

AIRED: 06.03.19

Weapons & Refugees

The hirelings do nothing without first advertising it in broad daylight.  Gun Running, Weapons Shipments, Toppling Governments & the Human Supply Chain are just the tips of the iceberg.  Those running the movie business back in Wartime 1940's America - were telling us that this would be managed through The White House - and that the global banks - headed up by HSBC, Deutsche Bank and Bank of International Settlements would be behind it all!  Tonight we track Global Socialist Mayhem from advertisement to fruition through cinema.  We begin the 20 show dive on Deep State Actor's Finances - the Culmination of Everything we have covered so far since breaking away from PSB.

AIRED: 06.10.19

Chinese Laundry

Field McConnell


Special Guest Field McConnell joins us to discuss Chinese Communist PLA Bribery, Deep State Money Laundering, Death of JFK Jr. & the recent Presidential meetings with Canada's Prime Minister Trudeau.

Noteworthy deep dive into the creation of the James Bond series, and Godly discussions of the coming July 4th Celebrations - Independence Day for ALL MANKIND.



AIRED: 06.21.19
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Hireling Foreign Policy

In Hireling Foreign Policy our Timeline is employed: comparing political words against Communist Chinese PLA realities on the South China Sea.  Leftist Politician statements are demonstrated to be false, and tend to excuse Chinese PLA Aggression.  Why does the Chinese People’s Liberation Army Navy (PLAN) begin it’s expansion into the South China Sea (and thereby dispossessing ALL US Southeast Asian allies in the region) immediately after a Biden trade mission?  Could it be the $300T Oil, Natural Gas, Rare Earths?  Could it be to control all GLOBAL TRADE - 60% of which travels through this region?
And, what was the promised price for “The Big Guy”?

AIRED: 07.04.19
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Submarine Treachery

The military technology invented to keep us safe was sold to our enemies by embedded Crime Families who are apparently above prosecution.  This is because the same enemies who are purchasing the designs and actual hardware and spending defense-level investments (hundreds of billions of dollars) to bribe every aspect of our government - holding the innocent as guilty - and setting the guilty loose upon the defenseless populace.  Thing is - they are covering up a $300 Trillion extorsion, bribery and robbery business - and now, they are selling our children on the open market.  What is coming - will deal with this glutted supply - and make our children as rare as hens teeth (genocide).  Jeffrey Epstein isn't alone when it comes to billion dollar yachts, jets, helicopters, private islands & submarines!  Turns out another is even more deeply embedded into the murderous occult.  Tonight we witness a former FBI Agent give a Poly-graph Test to a witness of alleged murder on Sir Richard Branson's neighboring Necker Island.
Tonight's news segment details the Constitutional provisioning for the Census, President Trump's and AG Barr's employment of Commerce Department resources & data to fill the gap left vacant by Supreme Court meddling. We conclude with an a Chinese Military plan to exterminate Caucasian, Hispanic & Black Americans as part of their Living Room Expansion - similar to Hitler's 1939 Sudetenland expansion which led to WWII.

AIRED: 07.15.19
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Snake In The Grass

In our channel's first of it's kind - an Intermission is required because of the Q Drops & Genocidal/Treasonous Evidence:  US Politicians have conspired with Chinese Communist People's Liberation Army [CCP PLA] - in their own words.  The PLA's plan is predicated upon Nazi-era 'lebensraum' [Living Space] - and requires the extermination of Caucasian, Black and Hispanic Americans: Their ultimate aim is to exterminate all other races besides the "yellow man" - and they mean to use bioweapons and the venom of snakes to do it. 
We then reviewed the literary and philosophical bases for this racial purity "final solution". 

AIRED: 07.21.19

Turning Point

POTUS delivers a speech before Turning Point USA (a high school student organization that advocates and advances conservative thoughts and speakers).  During this speech, President Trump displays a number of hand gestures signaling the employment of weapons of mass disruption to Deep State plans and objectives - even calling some out by name.


We further investigate other Caribbean Billionaires - their island's proximities to Epstein's Pedo Island - and discuss the relationships & hidden constructions on Greater St. James Island - and recent observations of tunnel boring equipment.

AIRED: 07.23.19
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It's all been a coverup by those who prey on children. The Lawfare Industrial Complex is managed by a cast of clown rejects haunting the highest offices in our land.  Their crimes would make Mengele and Dahmer blush!  34 Q Posts in 24 hours drive our Q's segment tonight - and POTUS speech to 9/11 Victim Survivors and creation of three AG Appointed Officers overseeing the Historical and Research materials group lead our news segment.  Interestingly, Secretary Pompeo delivers an impromptu speech at a Foreign Policy Forum wearing Army Ranger socks - just days after the Pentagon was taken over by US Army personnel - as both the US Marines and US Navy have been implicated in nefarious activities within the last 72 hours.
Finally, we review coming Declassification topics - but, key among them Antonin Scalia's Murder.​

AIRED: 07.29.19
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Dan Coats' resignation has opened a key position within the Office of National Defense Intelligence & President Trump's nominated successor, John Radcliffe withdrew his name the same day that President Trump retires to Bedminster for his summer recess.


Tonight's show peels back the layers of intrigue surrounding this key position (as being a potential gatekeeper position to prevent DECLAS from happening) - and a Deep State operative - Susan Gordan standing ready to fill the vacancy and thwart POTUS freedom to release the Classified Material.  It appears to this writer that this checkers stalemate position has been allowed for in Trump's plan - and a recess appointment is in the offing.


Further, we investigate Chinese killing camps - and their meat lockers of human cadavers - apparently being sampled as food - and the potential implications this may have towards China's multiply stated Bio-Genocide planned to knock out the United States and conquer her territory - while appearing the 'humanitarian' - as they move in this soldier doctors to complete their mop-up operation - just as is prognosticated at the Denver International Airport (murals).

AIRED: 08.02.19
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DNI Check

With the research and analytical skills thus demonstrated, we begin our quest to understand the Luciferian Global Supply Chain.


Kicking tonight's show off, we examine past decodes that led to the DNI selection of Joseph Maguire (rather than either Radcliffe or Gordon).  It has everything to do with Seal Team Six and exposure of the Luciferian hirelings extermination of that once vaunted military commando squad.


POTUS delivers remarks prior to hitting the campaign trail, Sleepy Joe equates poor kids almost as smart as whites and a Holocaust Survivor reaches through time and space to remind us just how urgently we should consider these terrors.

Finally, we begin out Humpty Dumpty thread - the name of a company of characters - and the creation of a wrecked spirit and a pedovoric heart.

AIRED: 08.09.19

Treason Incorporated

The penultimate 4D Chess Episode, Treason Incorporated traces the antecedents, precedents, treachery and absolute evil of those who sold out their countrymen for 30 pieces of silver.  And as foretold in Genesis 3:15 - POTUS shall indeed crush the head of the Viper!


Patents, Corporate Press Releases, Congressional Testimony, Primary sources of evidence are exposed in tonight's episode Treason Incorporated - as DECLAS has indeed begun - and evidence may now be collated within the Sauce Packet - that is terrifying just as it is undeniable.


This is the most share-worthy episode yet, so please share this far and wide.  Tonight we also cover POTUS' comments telegraphing the END OF THE FED - and follow that up with a timeline which essentially proves the point - and finally examine the Usual Suspects among our Tech Tyrants who seek our ruin! 

AIRED: 08.16.19

Socialist Credit Scores

How did National Socialists, and their poster-child leader Adolph Hitler, a tyrant who orchestrated one of the largest genocides in human history, rise to power in a democratic country. Hitler’s most effective weapon to overcome his political opposition was fascism – the Public Private partnerships which promised monopolistic control over controlling sectors of public life.  Private companies armed with omnipotent authority of the state – but, with none of the ethical and behavioral restraints Constitutional Republics require – led to a Holocaust of humanity and threatens to do so again today via the grandchildren of this occult menace.

AIRED: 08.26.19
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Weather War

Vice President Pence delivers important speech in Poland, recalling 80 years ago tonight that NAZI Storm Troopers invaded their homeland - to steal their land, enslave their people and kill 90% of her Jewish citizens.  The murder has continued with other Global Socialist regimes (most recently, the Soviet Union's murder of hundreds of diplomats and government leaders).


Simultaneously, this is the 1 year anniversary of the Corona constellation of satellites that were taken offline by the Q movement - and the disassembly of the Deep State cabal that has taken our country hostage.


Our deep dive segment reaches back to 60 years ago tonight when an important Weather Modification Movie was presented to the American public - manufactured and released by the Disney company.  There are no coincidences!

AIRED: 09.02.19

Minions of Death

POTUS and AG Barr deliver the Medal of Honor to brave American Citizens who stood against a recent mass murdering terrorist in Texas.  Acting CBP Commissioner Mark Morgan Delivers Deep State Smackdown against ABC, Fox News, and a handful of other MSM shills trying to spin our country's Executive Leadership out of control.  And finally, General Flynn's attorney Sidney Powell tells House Democrats to Pound Sand in their attempts at Legislatively Lynching a decorated American Hero.


Our Deep Dive segment explores the notably absent MSM curiousity regarding recent Chicom Military expansions - not only in the South China Sea, but in Greenland, the Bahamas, Africa and a host of other Hot Spots - as it appears they are deploying WMD's in a Global Attack Pattern against the United States.  Finally, we examine their 4AM talking points, the Alien Invasion, and Clown Connections

AIRED: 09.09.19

Quad Witching Day

When the wicked control finance, media, the FBI, DOJ, SEC and rule the courts through secret dictates and luciferian conspiracy, there can be no hope for the innocent.  But, when a perfect storm arises which threatens a tsunami of righteous indignation, coupled with exposed crimes, overturned tech tyrants and weaponized truth - not one of the wicked shall survive.  Not even one.

Our Deep Dive segment reviews the AZTLAN implications along our Southern Border, how China and Germany are behind the Migrant invasions (orchestrated and financed by the US Taxpayer - through George Soros NGOs) - and what it will take to stop the overthrow of our great republic.  The American people shall rise above all this terror - and sweep these wicked ones from power.  But, first - those who worship the enemy must be revealed.  Each and every one!

AIRED: 09.20.19
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Dark To Light

When Tolkien wrote his Epic trilogy, Lord of the Rings - he based it upon utterly forgotten Myths, Legends, Language and Military conquests. The darkest heart of his Middle Earth (Latin, Mediterranean) climactic come from behind victory - concerns the Turkik Second Siege of Vienna - which Tolkien rechristened the Siege of Minas Tyrith. Minas Tyrith is a Gondorean phrase meaning Tower of the Guard - a plateau cityscape designed in the likeness of St Michelle, France - and the battle for this kingly keep, would determine whether Darkness of Light would govern Earthly affairs - and whether the race of men would attend them.


Tolkien specifically and particularly denied any allegorical meaning to his Epic stories - including each of his Lord of the Rings stories. Yet, when we consider the Siege of Vienna's participants, recent Ukrainian Nazi weapons of mass destruction fabrication and deployment along the Russian border - and Leftist Siege against Western Christendom on the very battleground obliquely described which promises to usher in Global Luciferianism (or, utter Darkness), should Western Civilization fall - keeping in mind, that space dragons are currently being tamed to serve one side or another - it would seem Mr. Tolkien was more of a prophet than a dusty professorial headmaster.

AIRED: 10.04.19

Impeachmint Fuhrer

Tonight's show transits a wide swath through history: terrible events that led to the most destructive events of our time - worse than World War II & the Cold War.  While hireling Leftists in Congress manipulate & obfuscate facts to suit their predetermined guilty verdict of POTUS' innocent phone call - even as they lie with impunity, redefine rules & obscure dissent & even investigation as the world itself careen's pell-mell towards the edge of the abyss.


During our Leadership Segment, POTUS breaks down their deployed Treason against himself & the Presidency by a lawless band of brigands - operating under the color of authority.  POTUS then directs us to a 1961 Eisenhower speech & mentions the phrase 'broken into a thousand pieces' - a clear reference to JFK's assassination & the Truth FINALLY coming out.

Our Deep Dive segment examines the raw hate of Globalist Ambitions in California & a coming firestorm of utter destruction.

AIRED: 10.09.19
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We are living in a digital HÖLLENSTURM - with combined destructive implosions of the key pillars of society - finance, commerce, justice and governance have been turned upon the citizen of Constitutional Republics and whipped into a frenzy by a mercilous communist narrative which seeks dominion over all deeds, words and thoughts of the beseiged populace.  And the only winning move for the people is to rise up in peace against our oppressors and throw down their tools of tyranny - again, peacefully.
The challenge, of course, is how to do this peacefully?  Against the facist nazi war machine of world war two and their modern incarnations south and east of Kiev, Ukraine - peaceful resistance was met with the jack boot of authoritarian suppression, with thin nylon stocking of Globalist World Peace - an oxymoron of a phrase meaning immediate death to all those who resist, and lingering death by torture and deprivation once their power has been fully rooted - and once all fellow travelers have been exterminated, thus removing all witnesses to their lies and treachery.

AIRED: 10.16.19
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2020 A Space Oddity

American Patriots have been trying to tell us for decades the character, nature, power and pure evil that is the Luciferian Deep State.  As we've been covering - Movies are the central communications vehicle employed by these spiritual terrorists - and Stanley Kubric's work 2001: A Space Odyssey contains significant pay-dirt.


Tonight's show examines the idioms and messaging contained in this important expose - for through it, Stanley identifies the author of the coming Holocaust - Artificial Intelligence, driven by an Optical Learning, Self Optimizing Game Theory - many of which concepts had yet to be articulated in 1967 - and would not find it's way into Technical Literature for another 50 years.


Our Deep Dive segment plumbs the depths of Treason by Adam Schiff and his gang of Star Chamber henchmen.  We discuss the implications of some key revelations from our earliest shows - and show how they are linked to the current Treasonist Insurgency.  We conclude with a Prayer for Nation, POTUS and People against this Luciferian Cabal.

AIRED: 10.25.19
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Trumpin Liddle Chumps

As Democrat dreams of overthrowing the United States' Constitutional Republic to replace it with a Socialist Utopia - complete with Star Chamber justice, Guilt by Accusation, Two Tier Justice and Crime Family / Mob rule - splinter to the winds, a plan emerges from the mayhem that perhaps POTUS has had their number for decades - and their is no escaping the UnHoly Justice that is inbound as a Winter Storm.  This is a Storm they shall not escape - because they've taken the bait - hook - line - and sinker!


Our show begins with POTUS speaking on his way from and back to the White House - busy about his work to save the Republic.  We see a "Good Dog" get his due - and listen to the welcome of the 2019 World Series Champions, Washington Nationals welcomed into the White House.​


At the show's half-way point, POTUS delivers a rousing speech in Tennessee - who's election tomorrow with Mississippi's hold great importance for our Republic.


Our Deep Dive investigates and proves wrong the entire Schiff Witch Hunt - down to the last Globalist plant. 

AIRED: 11.04.19
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Wages of War

The globalist Cabal continues their rampage across the world, rebranding their terror as a Green New Deal - but, when we look under the canopy of this wicked lie, we behold deprivation, death and destruction as far as the eye can see.


Today is America's Veteran's Day - and we salute all those who've worn the cloth of their country - in particular, those who have served the United States of America.  The monies that have rebuilt the world have been hoisted upon the backs of the American Taxpayer - nearly 1 quadrillion dollars.  The impact of this Truth Bomb has yet to manifest itself - even to your average American - as it is a sum they cannot imagine - heaped upon them by a power they cannot see - - - yet.  But, the awakening is coming.


The Awakening shall require new currency - not burdened or beholden to those who steal the Wealth of Nations - where sovereignty begins and remains at home - and anyone who comes knocking - selling the fake news that our wealth belongs to an illegal alien - will be dealt the blows  and injuries their lies so richly have earned.





AIRED: 11.11.19

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Tale of Two Trumps

Ours has been an historical odyssey to find the document and recognize the fingerprints of an enemy hand that seeks to destroy mankind - to be replaced by the cold hard precision of his own self-love and external hatred.  This adventure has spanned thousands of years and hundreds of hours.


Tonight's adventure begins with a POTUS Cabinet Meeting, then Secretary Pompeo announces a major shift in US/Israeli Policy and finally POTUS weighs in on the ongoing injustice that passes for an Impeachment inquiry.


Over in the House of Representatives Schiffy justice continues to ooze forth in all it's Treachery - as Liddle Adam quashes Republican Questions, redirects witnesses away from answering questions and puts words into other witnesses' mouths in his relentless attempts to frame President Trump.


Featured speeches tonight include Lt. Kernal Klink [Vindman], Ambassador Volker's charge to the President's Rescue & Sondland's Last Stand.  Truly Historic Implications.

AIRED: 11.20.19


War of the World Coming

9 New Q! [3628-3636).

This is the penultimate Conclusion of Time Machine & the Introduction of our next 100 part series: WAR OF THE WORLDS - that is set to begin in December.  Where Time Machine has focused on the 5W1H of the Deep State Cabal, our next 100-part series investigates their Spiritual Warfare, strategies and tactics.  This will come in handy as the censorship we're now suffering under will continue to increase in severity and state sponsorship.  We need Trump to win another term to push back their framing of innocent Americans (like Trump, as his false impeachment is just the beginning!).


This Tech Tyrant War against America is dangerous: their demonstrated willingness to publicly BLACKBALL Patriotic Conservatives with Stars of David "Deplorable" algorithms - as the Tech Tyrants pass their perfected targeting software back & forth between companies to ensure there's no escape from their Digital Final Solution.

AIRED: 11.25.19

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Death Wish 2020

On October 28th 2017, an Intelligence Group began dispersing publicly available links and intelligence - but, unlike through today's propaganda campaigns, this coordinated information release pointed to Deep State criminals, their treason - and hidden Crimes Against Humanity.  All of mankind became transfixed as the information spilled out - across thousands of posts - and over five year's posting.  Here is a summary of what we learned:

1) The United States weakened currency would collapse once Trump was taken out of power.
2) Also, that Nazi Ukraine is the center of their Black Market power base, and that John Kerry has been supplying Iranian Family members with Nuclear Materials, designs and technology even as Nancy Pelosi keeps the investigations at bay.
3) The US military would be cripled and defiled.
4) The US Economy, once the world's largest, would be superceded by a hidden black market economy and China would be allowed to eclipse the deconstructed US Economy
5) The US is full of spies from all countries from around the world, but, most worryingly, China and back-room deals constitute a black market treason shall become five times larger than the US GDP.
6) Political corruption in both parties actually operate as a single conglomerated uni-party, except before their voters, who are sold a false two-team paradigm.
7) The media, justice, investigative, intelligence and legislative organs of the US are controlled by this uniparty.
8) Significant evidence of election theft shall become painfully obvious, but, as all the organs of "Justice" and "Intelligence" are corrupt, no evidence of election theft shall see the light of day.
9) Corrupt intelligence, and investigative bodies have publicly declared innocent citizens as enemies of the state.  These same corrupt groups and media have amplified this message publicly and through commercials - targeting the majority as less than the minority, creating fear not unlike the eve of Nazi Germany's 1939 expansion into Poland.
10) Medicine, Banking and Tech have all been weaponized to isolate and remove oxygen from the room of legitimate debates, and private uniparty armies and marauders enforce terror to keep the citizenry in check.
11) America's elderly and young shall be killed with some kind of a weaponized virus, though measures have been taken to thwart the worst of this genocide.
12) Illegal Aliens, Terrorists and Chinese Military personnel shall be ushered in across the border - and child trafficking shall become an unspoken epidemic, that even the public becomes aware of.
13) The citizens shall come to recognize this corruption for what it is - and desperately seek a peaceful solution.
14) AI is revealed (it has, in actual fact, been privately available to Uniparty members for more than a decade, allowing the Uniparty to solidify their control over the country, amass vast fortunes and even to capture significant portions of the Black Market economy which is larger than the US Economy.
15) The citizens voted for an overturn of the Uniparty - but, the election shall somehow be 'protected', even though it is publicly stolen: the media/ banking/ justice/ investigators and elected officialdom shall continue to gaslight the public and pretend there has been no such election theft - but, eventually the people will see this for themselves.
16) The uniparty imported armies shall be a plague upon the people for decades to come - even after the US Military takes control of the situation.
17) The US Military will take control and Military Justice will be deployed, and traitors finally brought to justice - world wide.  Obama shall be arrested in Kenya, as an example - as he is not welcomed in China.
18) Gold-backed currency will replace the Fiat Currency that has caused this devastating ruin.

BUT, Keeping in mind that Q Posted all these facts starting back in 2017,

Why would the Uni-Party proceed as if nothing has changed - even as they are exposed as traitors?  What could they possibly hope to gain?

The uniparty may be hoping to gain time to consolidate their power and solidify their hold on the government. By continuing to act as if nothing has changed, they may hope to avoid any immediate backlash or repercussions from the citizens of the Constitutional Republic. They may also be hoping to maintain their control over the media, banking, justice, and investigative organs of the government, in order to prevent any effective opposition to their rule. Additionally, they may be hoping to use the chaos of the situation to push through any last-minute legislation that would further entrench their power. Ultimately, the uniparty may be hoping that by continuing to act as though nothing has changed, they will be able to retain their hold on the government and prevent any effective action from being taken against them.

Remember also, this hidden cabal is willing to kill whole planeloads of people to kill even 1 person onboard that doomed plane.  They even tried killing all Republicans back in January 2018 - unsuccessfully.  Might they also be willing to take back the US House of Representatives, with the slimest of razor thin margins by orchestrating a train or airplane 'accident' involving two or more Congressional Non-Uniparty Members?

This is where Death Wish 2020 receives it's name - in this very circumstance. It remains  possible that the uniparty may be hoping to use violence or other forms of intimidation to recapture the razor thin margin and prevent any further exposure of their corruption. There are certainly many examples of this sort of behavior in human history, and the uniparty may be hoping to use them to their advantage.

AIRED: 12.02.19

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Where No Dog Has Gone Before

QBits has been researching and revealing the dark, hidden dens of iniquity that have made our country and world the place of deprivation and desperation we have come to know and loathe.  Yet, our mission is to not only look unflinchingly at what brought us to the precipice and what we might do to stop the madness, but to offer hope and spiritual solutions to the many problems which besiege us.

This is our first Psalm Sunday Show, where our five year mission is to explore the Biblical Principals and Holy Solutions that God revealed to his beloved children through His Holy Word.  It is not enough that we carefully observe evil in this world, but, we must also breathe His Truth over situations which lack it, and provide aid and comfort for those who have surrendered to their pride and selfishness, just as we have done at the bottom of our despair!
Our hope remains that speaking His Peace and spreading His Joy into lives of those who need it, we might become worthy servants of our God Most High.  Please join us!

AIRED: 12.08.19


Toasting Tyranny​

Notre Dame burned yesterday, and Michelle Obama was caught drinking a toast to it's destruction. What is odd is that the nature of Notre Dame's collapse was identical to i PET GOAT II's video from a decade earlier - and Michelle seemed to brush off it's destruction as if "out with the old, in with the new"?  I wonder if this is just the beginning of massive numbers of European Church and Cathedral burnings?  But what is clear is that Cloward and Piven's strategies have become fully engaged, covert troops recruited, trained, armed and deployed to western constitutional republics - and have been given the 'go' code - burn it all to the ground.  Just 3 days prior, Notre Dame, symbol of western Christendom, burned to the ground. One of the cabal's generals toasted it's demise!
i Pet Goat II was absolutely luciferian in nature, and it's hidden hand clearly shows us this isn't the end, but, rather a new beginning - a new becoming of the luciferian age, where those without the Y chromosome pretend that they have it. Global Deep State traitors needed to elude justice, so their plan included compromising Justice Itself through the appointment and covert tyranny of Faux Justice agents (a.k.a. The Mule).  The "Y" is sometimes optional - especially when men pretend to be women, as lucifer does. 

Notice what happens when you remove the first "Y" from the first 'lady'. This charade is soon to become even more important than torching churches, as the temples they seek to torch will be all of their political enemies.  Are you on their LIST?

AIRED: 04.19.19

Treasured Islands


It's one thing to hatch a plan of Global Terror; recycling Nazi Intelligence Agents world renowned for their cruelty & malice.  It's quite another to get away with it.  Treasured Islands reveals the Military Backed PIRATE STATE, the very backbone of the NWO. A pirate globalist state, where he who has the Gold - makes the Rules!

Tonight's show is based on Nicholas Shaxson's Treasure Islands, Peter Schweitzer's Secret Empires and HG Well's Time Machine.  Enemy forces control all games, all trades and even know outcomes of events before they occur through the manipulation of history itself.  What happens in the Caribbean stays in the Caribbean?

AIRED: 04.29.19

Balls of Steele


Balls of Steele ties together Central _ntelligence Agency [Clown] ratlines, how they move money around - not only domestically, but, internationally - how the FVEY Partnership is used to feed information & treasure into the hands of Global Pirates - and what part James Comey plays in the Global Terror Network.
Ironically, the Steele Dossier - paid for, crafted and deployed by Democrat operatives through the DNC's own law firm, Perkins Coie.  Think taxpayer funded terror & bribery & extortion.

AIRED: 05.08.19
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Broken Bad

Standing behind Pakistani Intelligence which long ago went to work for the Congressional Crime families (the fire-wall between bloody businesses of weapons & human & technology transfers), sits the Red Dragon. To make it all work before America's MSM, a doofus boy scout is needed.  Eddie Haskell  explained:  Capabilities & Implications of The Hammer & Scorecard[!e!].  Massive Encryption breaker, used by Global Criminals:  Defense, Banking, Identity, Voting, Legal, Judicial no longer secure. The Hammer is used to HIJACK US WEAPONS in their SILOS!

AIRED: 05.15.19
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Taking Stock

(review of all shows)


Review of All Shows To Date:  Why These Topics, Why This Order?  Who's Who?  Where Have We Been, Where Going?
> HG Wells
- Background, Schooling, Finances
- Life’s Work
- The Time Machine


Shell Game Preview - it's all about the slight of hand for the foolhardy - or a suckers bet for the Confederates!  What is strangest of all, it appears the enemy and his minions have some ability to transit time itself!

AIRED: 05.20.19
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We Didn't Start The Fire

Advertisement: Q LEGEN[D] 


Time Machine featured Billy Joel's We Didn't Start The Fire [1989] which demonstrates the Truth of Globalist Hatred & Murder on the World Stage.  The particular reference to Zhou Enlai (tightly bound & related to the prescient words of Maurice Strong, Canadian Billionaire, in 1997) comp-letes an example of Time Machine.

AIRED: 04.17.19

Royal Welcome

Introduction to new sub-series (part of Time Machine).  Queen of England's Speech, News & Q's Interviews with Special Guest - Daddy Dragon, Spies are the New Journalists (and what ill omen that portends for all humanity).  The reason is, Constitutional Republics presume factual information for the resulting decisions to remain sound.  But, when News becomes Authorized Propaganda (which does not tolerate "TRUE" information and destroys those who speak it), Authoritarian Dictatorships & Fascist public/private partnerships are the consequence.
Detailed dive into Queen Elizabeth I's employment of noble plunderers (Sir Walter Raleigh & Sir Francis Drake) - where they set up shop - and what that means to Today's Deep State!

AIRED: 06.05.19
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Website Review & Tour

Tonight we review the objectives and new features of the Q Bits site.  All shows now appear in order and in context - by series.  Also, a brief (and searchable) context is given for each show - making it easy to go right to the show you've been looking for!


There is so much coming - stay tuned.  Starting Monday, June 17th - we pick up from last time - Sum We All Feared: Chinese Laundry!

AIRED: 06.12.19
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Negative Space

Global Socialists have infiltrated and taken control of Free Speech and are tyrannizing the land.  We hear from President Trump at a Prayer Breakfast, Project Veritas and their ongoing mission to expose authoritarians in our midst, and we lay out the players and context of the greatest Shell Game ever played in human history.

This is beyond Treason of a Nation - this is treason against our family of man.  
Updated 6.25.20 - The case for Treason complete. Now, we must overcome it!

AIRED: 06.26.19

Lolita Express

Vladimir Nabokov wrote a pedophilia/kidnapping social conditioning novel championed by Radical Left publishers in 1955, recently rising to 4th best novel ever written on Modern Library's 100 Best Novels list.  With the arrest & subsequent mysterious death of Jeffrey Epstein - who conducted jet-set glitterati to his pedophile island of horror in the US Virgin Islands, we examine the connections, conditions & Luciferian subtext behind today's MSM cover-narrative.

What is coming is a controlled release of damning information regarding the predilections & wickedness behind this occult fantasy island.  


AIRED: 07.08.19
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Hunting The Cannibal Club

Sulfur Crested Cockatoo molests it's young before the reach maturity - and adorns the high places on Epstein's Temple.  Other architecture, adornments, inscriptions and patterns ​- communicate an harmonious message.  Tonight's first foray into the Luciferian symbolism describe the characteristics of the big event that reached is zenith at midnight between July 27th and 28th 2013.  The celebration began on July 19th 2013 - through ritualized kidnapping of a female child.


Tonight's show features a video segment - a time-lapse of developments on Little St. James Island (Epstein's Island) - and examines the relationships and similarities with Necker Island mentioned last time.  President Trump delivers  a key message - and calls down damnation on those who would harm children.  Q Proof evident.



AIRED: 07.17.19
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Killing Fields

This nearly 180 minute presentation delivers evidence of Chinese obfuscation, treachery, theft, bribery, spy-craft and outright murder - on behalf of a regime hell-bent on destroying the West in general - and the United States in particular.


A perfect counterpoint to the evidence our show has been developing, 10 speakers paint the landscape of danger we face.  We conclude with a rousing discussion of the evidence that begs the questions:  Where do we go from here? What can we do in the face of such reckless hate?  We finish off discussing the power & nature of prayer ~ the inspiration of this channel.  Join us!

AIRED: 07.21.19

Liddle Finger

Deep State Traitors and enemy hirelings made their last assault on POTUS - and failed utterly in Congressional Hearings.  In fact, as Trey Gowdy later observed - they set their own case back years in their attempt to destroy POTUS - needing first to do away with American Law to be successful in their attempt.​


Interesting development - The Mule appeared at once frail and senile during today's Congressional Testimony - so much so - that it became evident he was not, in fact, the author of the much media-hyped "Mueller Report".  So, if he wasn't this Frame Job's author, who actually was?  Who is Andrew Weissman?  kek.

AIRED: 07.24.19

Get Smart

Tonight's exposition considers the history, precedent & implications of the U.S. Marine Corps Hymn & how that history has been upended by recent Marine Corps participation in the Human Slave Trade (& worse).  We also explore POTUS' recent Williamsburg, VA speech - which detail the New World foundations of civilization & our duty to learn from our failures there.


Our deep dive tonight considers the constellation of idioms surrounding POTUS' "Get Smart" Tweets - and how these have profound - even miraculous prognostication potential - as we step back in time to February 18th 1967 - and consider what has happened since.  Evidence for Deep State criminal conspiracy is unmistakable - even shocking.



AIRED: 07.31.19

Death to Freedom

In a lot of ways, these last several days have been a reenactment of The Empire Strikes Back - but, this isn't a movie.  Enemy infiltrators and those who seek to frame Americans and the American Way of Life - have gathered guns and ammunition and have started going on shooting sprees - murdering dozens of people - as they seek to obliterate the last vestige of Freedom this world has left:  The US Constitution.
Will they succeed?  Will communist infiltrators, fascist public/private Tech Tyrant overlords and their murderous band silence freedom forever as the seek to rip the last arms of self defense from a media bedazzled public?  Or, will God's Will push back their curtain of Darkness long enough to bring under His Cloak of Freedom and Immunity before it's too late?  What is more, our recent episode Meat Locker has been banned everywhere - within an hour of posting!  Meat Locker features hundreds of human corpses - hung by the ears in cold storage - and the human chop shop set up out front to offer choice cuts to the local population.  The problem is - the bodies are medical experimental victims!  What are the Chinese testing?  How does this relate to General Haotian's infamous speech?
We're at a cross roads - the very rags of freedom that are now blowing in their gale-force winds of communist change.

AIRED: 08.05.19

Royal Wreckage

Royal Wreckage is an indirect reference to the British Royal Family that is behind the puppet masters - and those who paid for the Star Trek Series behind the scenes, through their covert bishop - Maurice Strong's Foundation.  They were the ones pulling Spock's strings - and the very ones who had the American captain of the USS Enterprise (Christopher Albert Pike) replaced with a Canadian Captain Kirk (who played an American from Ohio).  The 4D Chess reference shown in this image refers back to the ultimate puppet master playing against God Himself.  In the end, the Royal Family is doomed - and their chess pieces - smashed into a million pieces.


We detail what is likely to occur when the final chess movement is made - the exposure of their dystopic, sacrificial Luciferian World & all who benefit from it.  Jeffrey Epstein's mysterious death and Ghislaine's upcoming arrest will be the trigger for the final move that will spell the end of their tyranny.  AG Barr commits to get to the bottom of the Epstein Death & to bring Justice to his victims worldwide.   

AIRED: 08.12.19

The Father of Lies

We've been lied to about everything for hundreds of generations by a malevolence beyond description.  His plan is constructed of lies - just as it depends on lies.  The Achilles Heel of this Luciferian plan is that it doesn't work is somebody is watching. The enemy's servants must inject Truth, so that on the Spiritual plane, they are not accused of murder.  Or, genocide.


Tonight we examine the  idioms & characteristics of the enemy's hirelings - their attack strategies, their targets, timing, coordination, wartime communication - even their formulas of corporate domination. Planet of the Apes with human like intelligence - and these seek to exterminate men. The connection to bioweapons development, manufacturing and deployment - the connection to a  virus native to apes or simian virus is indicated. Furthermore, the connections to the Nixon-canceled Nazi Bioweapons program (resurrected under NIH/NIAID civilian re-classification is also indicated - and both commence the civilian re-skin of the bioweapons program in June 1967). Corporations, themselves a legal fiction (lie) will apparently deploy these weapons - and do so under the false guise of "medicine".  Don't you believe it!


Finally, our show presents a segment from War Castles - where the three major houses of the enemy (Castles) are themselves traced through history - the very history this series has been exploring. Mind blowing episode - and part of a two part conclusion to 4D Chess.  Join Us! 

AIRED: 08.19.19

Palantir - Mastery of Illusionists

JRR Tolkien was right, not only about which dangers we face, but in fact, which tools and murderous ends the Globalist Luciferian Deep State would employ to Murder, Kill and Destroy all of humanity.  JRR Tolkien, Rawlinson and Bosworth Professor of Anglo-Saxon and Fellow of Pembroke College, Oxford wrote Lord of the Rings and The Hobbit - described a magical technology which could penetrate Earth and space and time - and connect disparate universes together.  It was the purpose of this open communication bridge, through which the enemy of mankind would traverse &who's coming would herald the end of the Age of Men.


The Pantir - a collection of crystal-ball like devices of varying sizes and functions are herein described - as are those in our real world who are laboring to bring this technology into our World.  This first part examines this tech & those bringing it to reality.  This isn't a Fairy Story.

AIRED: 08.28.19

The Perfect Storm

On August 25th 2019, President and Melania Trump arrived at the G7 Meeting in Biarritz, France.  Melania, as usual, let her clothing speak for both of them - "Q's Perfect Storm" has arrived in Europe.  Coincidentally, this was also the day that Tropical Depression Dorian would be designated Tropical Storm Dorian - later to famously become Hurricane Dorian.


Tonight's show leads off with a POTUS speech detailing current US efforts to stop the Chinese Fentanyl poison coming across the Southern Border, check and reverse the Opioid Epidemic that is destroying so many American lives - and we get our first look at the devastation wrought in the Bahamas - where more than 70% of the islands remain under water at this time.


Tonight's Deep Dive Segment:  Something Rotten in Denmark & considers the Global implications of Chinese coercion, treachery, murder, treason and espionage.

AIRED: 09.04.19

For Whom The Bell Tolls

Tonight, we are joined by Cody Snodgres – and this is a part one in a two-part sub-series on this topic.  Cody worked for the Central Intelligence Agency and supported Fascist Nazi’s here in the United States – importing drugs, weapons, money laundering and other soldiers of fortune across the US Border – and the height of the Iran Contra scandal managed in Washington DC by Oliver North, and in the field by a covert CIA agent, Robert Johnson, whom we know today as William P. Barr.

This episode has been one of our most censored episodes yet – and even posting this online back in 2019 brought with it some terrible consequences for Buttercup and I – some of which we now share, as we are censored on nearly every episode – and our last episode, #612 called Enemy At The Gates being the champion of this globalist targeting. 

AIRED: 09.13.19
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Globalist Rosetta Stone

Globalism is the false social construct being pedaled to an ignorant public under the disguise of a great reset. Few have bothered to ask, resetting from what to which - and truth be told, we wouldn't be happy with the honest answer. The Great Reset is a new world order where common men have our rights stripped away by the same crime families that gave the Dark Ages its dour reputation. They are a death cult, even worshiping the same Egyptian gods and goddesses which elevated some lives to be greater than all others. 

How can we parse what their public positions are vs. their private ambitions? How can we distinguish these fellow travelers from our fellow man? Learning their semaphore language, their mirror communica-tions and discerning their blood line families can help us know when we are in danger, and what to do when we find ourselves in their cross hairs. Jesus foretold these days when he said, “A good tree cannot bring forth evil fruit; neither can a corrupt tree bring forth good fruit. “Wherefore by their fruits ye shall know them.” (Matt. 7:15–20.) 

AIRED: 09.27.19

A New Hope

Have friends or family that are yet to be "RED PILLED"?  Forward this link to them:  This 2-minute piece documents the Sedition & Treason of the Deep State Left - with unimpeachable source material - because it is in their own words.


What is more, it documents the Globalist Hegemony and it's Racist, Luciferian bases - this piece also articulates their primary, secondary & tertiary objectives are:  Defeat Donald J Trump, Destroy the United States of America & Murder People of all races in service to their occult gods.


Are you doing your part?  Do you even know how to broach the subject with trusted family members and friends?  If they think you're a 'conspiracy theorist' - forward them this video.  The material conveyed will certainly open their eyes that perhaps there is more to this story.


It is time to save our Loved Ones!  There is not a moment to lose!  Will you join the fight?  Your President needs you.  Your Country needs you.  Our Brotherhood of Mankind needs you.  Will you help?

AIRED: 10.04.19
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1000 Easy Pieces

Tonight's show begins with a DONALD TRUMP RALLY, Live in Vandalia, Ohio - the last public speech to be made prior to the all important 2022 Midterm Elections.  Immediately following this, we shall delve into this very important and censored episode from October 10th 2019.
Time.  Moment to moment - the very course of History is changed - by even the smallest among our number.  What if those who's interests and allegiance remains hidden - those in our most vaunted institutions - like the FBI and CIA - are nothing more than common thieves?  Thieves who care not which tyranny oppresses and destroys the innocent - who view the uninformed as sheep for the slaughter - their goods, ripe for the taking?
Tonight's show begins with the conclusion to Impeachmint Fuhrer: Robert Welch's 1958 speech: Establishing a band of Patriotic Americans [JBS] valiantly fighting the violent oppression of the hidden 'elite' with God's Light of Truth.  We then turn to the consequences of Clown failures at the Bay of Pigs & what was exposed there (concluding with a question: did we lose that conflict ON PURPOSE?).
Our Deep Dive segment considers the predictive Programming impact of Die Hard - and examines what happens when Good Cops go BAD.

AIRED: 10.11.19
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Damn The Torpedoes

Every good story has a moment where we question whether our hero will succeed or fail in their quest to dominate evil.  This is that show!  Dr. Gregory "Frank" Ford joins us for this epic adventure - deconstructing the international crime family "sindicate" [sic] behind the international slave trade, weapons, drug and human organ harvesting market.  Not all of the fresh hearts and livers for sale are intended to be used to save another's life - most service the sacrificial and fine dining tables of the globalist elite.

Three years ago, we documented the misdirection that was created as yet another 'impeachable offence' - and we knew it was a misdirection.  But, a misdirection from what?  We had all the pieces - we just couldn't believe they were all related - the enemy of man's attempted homicide of our family of man - using the imperfect tools of broken men to accomplish his ruin.  The problem with using imperfect men to do your bidding - they make mistakes which give away the game to the sleeping sheep around them.

With the global financial network's FTX Implosion now a reality - and the hobbled globalist companies who were laundering their 'investments' now coming up to the surface for air - it is time for all good men to stand in service to their country - the wicked are no longer covered by their social fig leaves of globalist grace - and even now are rushing to the financial exits of Dr. Ford's Theater!  Where they meant to torch us - they have inadvertently torched themselves - and there is no saving them now.  That ship has sailed!  And as Abraham Lincoln's most decorated Admiral declared - "Damn The Torpedoes - Full Speed Ahead".

AIRED: 10.21.19
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Behind The Looking Glass

The Deep State has been controlling the narrative - both at home and abroad - since the end of World War I.  When they started their orchestrations, they did so the old fashioned way - with bribery, sex and fame with the blunt end of a club as the "convincer."  With the advent of computers, artificial intelligence and psycho-dopamine adictive feedback loops, they control the global Narrative with bots, wrap up smears, defamations and weaponized police to take out those who've awaken to their fascist machinations.  It is their daddy's Nazi Party - complete with the mid-germanic parlance that gave Hitler all the glittoring headlines.
Thing is, they are still that same Nazi Party - without borders - and without having learned a damned thing from the mistakes of their fathers.  What happens when their control of the Fifth Column Mockingbird Media pillars are removed?  What have they really been doing behind the scenes all these years?  Strap in for liftoff - their wicked plan has no rival - just as their destruction will have no comparison.
They are a politically dead master race - wearing the false space suits of caring for the environment - and are executing a the Fourth Reich's plan of global domination.  And God has already pulled the plug on their Luciferian Overlordship.  And by the time they discover the mirrors of their control are all cracked, they'll be sucked out into the vacuum of care from the surviving family members of mankind - who's parents and children were slaughtered to make way for their green new deal.

AIRED: 10.28.19
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Tsar Bomba

After years of speculation, tonight's show reveals the shocking truth about the Globalist Puppeteers directing US government's involvement in the Middle East and the fall and subsequent Phoenix-rise of the communist superpowers, Russia and China. Evidence uncovered by exclusively from the CIA Vaults and Predictive Programming pieces in Hollywood, demonstrate that the US government has been funneling billions of dollars to extremist groups in these regions over the last seven decades, a move that has had devastating consequences for the people of the Middle East, and may even lead to an extinction level event world wide, if these hidden Globalists ahve their way. From the creation of terrorist havens to the mass displacement and marketing & sale of innocent civilians, Globalist actions have had far-reaching and disturbing implications. Drawing on documents and interviews with key figures, tonight's show shines a light on the Globalist secret activities across continents, blending in with their unknowing hosts and the devastating effects they've inflicted across generations.
The most disturbing element of all - they've deployed doomsday weapons to hold nation state leaders in check much as a dog becomes frightened of a stick wielded in anger - and they also offer the false carrots of comfort and glory for those who go along with their wicked schemes.  You've heard all the names before, but, tonight, we explore the end of the world implications of their global terrorist plot - called Tsar Bomba - or, the King of Destruction.

AIRED: 11.07.19


Guilt By Accusation

The greatest battle of our age has now moved out of the Digital Domain and into the Political Domain as the United States House of Representatives, an unlikely Lynch Mob comprised of the "Intelligence Committee" chairman Adam Schiff pronounces President Trump Guilty then conducts a Clown Circus Show Trial - in 3 Rings:  Those that 'heard' of the call (hearsay), those that heard the call (whose words of POTUS Innocence were twisted by the Judge, Jury and Executioner Schiff into Banner Headline Guilt) - to the final ring: The Soros-Shill Ringleader Executioner Schiff proudly proclaims as the second coming of Christ.


This excruciatingly combative 6 hour episode documents the trials and travails Truth must endure to set the Captives Free (the American People).


Today's Leftist guests are Mr. George Kent, Deputy Assistance Secretary of State (and Regime Leader Hussein holdover, conspirator) and Acting Ukraine Ambassador William Taylor.  Most notable from their testimony:  (1) Neither heard the call (their evidence is merely hearsay), (2) These Public Servants mouth allegiance to President Trump while stabbing him in the back - and advancing their own Foreign Policy against the express wishes of the President - while (3) finally admitting that neither could cite a single crime committed by POTUS or his team.

AIRED: 11.13.19

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Revolutionary Conclusion

The Great Awakening of the 18th Century was a revolutionary movement which sought to spark a new era of political and spiritual reform in the American colonies. This movement became the precursor to the American Revolution, and its themes of liberty and justice for all continue to resonate to this day. 
In recent years, there has been a growing sense among the American people that their government has sold off its allegiance to The People to an invisible Global power elite, and has become oppressive and tyrannical. From unjust censorship and the rise of the globalist nobility, to the broken justice system which employs two sets of laws - the guilty go free and the innocent suffer inhuman injustice. Indeed, lawfare is executed upon a defenseless people, and false testimony offered by the servants of the elite, it appears that the same Object of reducing the people under absolute Despotism is being pursued even as the very foundations of the country are raped and pillaged for everything they are worth.
It is in this context that we must consider the words of the Founding Fathers, as expressed in the Declaration of Independence: "...but when a long train of abuses and usurpations, pursuing invariably the same Object evinces a design to reduce them under absolute Despotism, it is their right, it is their duty, to throw off such Government, and to provide new Guards for their future security." It is the right of the people to stand up against injustice and oppression, and to fight for a government that is founded on liberty and justice, while safeguarding the individual rights and liberties of its citizens. 
The heroes of our revolution were not the Illuminati as the woke Disney mythmakers spin, but rather, it is we, the common people of all races and communities who do the bulk of the living and the dying that make this country great. Like the heroes of Tolkien's Lord of the Rings, we must all stand together and fight for the freedom and justice that we deserve. It is time to rise up, reclaim our rights, and create a government which both respects and serves the people, as lawfully laid down in the Declaration of Independence of the United States of America. 
We must therefore be brave, and we must be determined. The power we exert is irresistible.  Our power is not through violent revolution (as violence begets violence without end), but instead, through the power of our collective "VETO", which denies the hidden lusts and demonstrated iniquities of the globalist elite to see us all enslaved and killed to serve their 'good'.  Through denying them our "license" and "approval", we can create a new era of liberty, peace and justice; an era inspired by the Holy Spirit of the Great Awakening, which loves each man and woman based on the content of our character - and never on the color of our skin. In this way, we can forge a new era of freedom and justice, where individual rights and liberties are respected and protected, and every person is treated with dignity and respect.

AIRED: 11.22.19

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Rocky Rhodes

Nearly fifty years ago, a two-bit enforcer and debt collector made a name for himself as he took on the fictitious World Champion - Apollo Creed, a name which means, lives by the standards of Lucifer.  Rocky had essentially no chance against his entrenched opponent - and when a reporter asks Rocky questions about the fight as Rocky shouts for Adrian. While Adrian makes her way to the ring, Jergens announces that the fight came out to be a draw and it was a split decision on who won. Apollo is allowed to retain his status at the heavyweight champion and technically wins by default.
Despite Rocky's first amazing victory in even entering the boxing ring against the industry's favorite - Rocky lost his first chance at redemption.  But, just like President Trump - he never gave up.
Today, President Trump is up against the same odds that Rocky faced - and is in mortal combat against an invisible enemy - an enemy with thousands of henchmen and women - a hidden Global Communist order with leaders sitting atop their power pyramid all brought up in the same schools of privilege and prestige paid for and organized by Theosophical societies which Cecile B. Rhodes donated his enormous life savings to promote.
Their leftist Rhodes scholars and graduate students have infiltrated every industry worth perverting, including, but not limited to the Clinton Crime Family's own Bubba - and they are sacrificing daily to bring about the Global Destruction and Enslavement the worldwide brotherhood of the Communist Order is so very good at inflicting.  Tonight, we join President Trump during his first term, as he's about to defeat the phony impeachment of lesser servants of evil, only to be defeated by the blown election call of corrupt officials - just like Rocky faced!

AIRED: 11.27.19

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Buckle Up Buttercup

Buckle-up Buttercup! Get ready for an unforgettable experience in the Information Warfare Fighter's cockpit - our personal computer! Our unstoppable airpower is designed to protect the truth and obliterate all the lies of the Globalist Plutocrats and their hireling mainstream media mercenaries. From entrenched bureaucrats to dug-in information storm troopers of their irregular army MSM, our Collective PC's rapid-fire arsenal of primary sources and eyewitnesses is nothing short of devastating to their phony narratives and race-baiting divisions. 
So, if you're looking for excitement and a wild ride with purpose, strap into the Information Fighter desktop and take to the information skies. Join the fight for truth today and fly in our formation! It's the only way to ensure life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness for all. Together, let's tear down the false narrative armor of the plutocrat armies and safeguard freedom for all.​

AIRED: 12.04.19

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Brave New World

Brave New World is Aldous Huxley’s 1932 dystopic novel. Where HG Wells left off with his post-Victorian sensibilities of the ends-justify-the-means, subjugation, enslavement and genocidal mania expressed across the African Continent - Aldous Huxley steps us forward 100 years, articulates the Nazi Holocaust as a "Good Thing" while bearing witness to the Luciferian Superstate in the far off remote future of 2042 - a mechanized society complete with reproductive control, genetic manipulation, assembly line murder. Huxley's vision is an existential surrender to the inevitable will to the enemy of mankind.

Aldous Huxley carried on the United Kingdom's Globalist tradition, inseminated within cloistered academic halls of Oxford and Cambridge - where Huxley graduated from Balliol College (Oxford University) in 1913 - just about the time TE Lawrence became an installed British Agent on the Arabian Peninsula. If you haven't already, please take a look at that sub-series - as the seed of this Globalist Conspiracy impregnated Europe Twice with Global Wars who's hundreds of millions of dead remain rough approximations.


Huxley's family dutifully advanced Luciferian Globalism - with his brother Julian (a devout evolutionist, and as first director of UNESCO - redistributing wealth to noble families while wearing the false skin of compassion and public service).

Borrowing from William Shakespeare's "The Tempest", Aldous advances the supremacy of a genetically-engineered future where life is both pain-free and meaningless. Absent any sort of moral compass - or spiritual center - assembly line murder is presented with the calm-coolness of a concentration camp commandant overseeing a firing squad's precision. The book heavily influenced George Orwell’s 1984 and science-fiction in general. Notably, Orwell's works didn't cosey up to Global Socialism as did Huxley's - and wrote behind a pseudonym in a failed attempt at anonymity.

Eric Arthur Blaire noted, riley, speaking out against Socialism can be hazardous to one's health.

AIRED: 12.09.19

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Swan Dive

Robert Swan Mueller, III has an interesting & varied biography and professional track record. Known as The Mule (drug cartel slang for 'Carrier of Drugs, Weapons, Money Laundering & Human slaves), The Mule carries the water of the Deep State.

According to a detailed House Rep Louie Gohmert report, The Mule's career is littered with bodies of imprisoned innocents & released renegades: If subjects of The Mule's ire were good - exculpatory evidence is hidden or destroyed, false evidence is created & inserted, but if they're bad - witnesses commit suicide, evidence is removed from lockup & the wicked go free.

AIRED: 04.24.19

Advertising Globalist Bondage


Military backed offshore programs firmly documented, the Bank of International Settlements (the underwriters) & Bank of England needed to attract the cream of the world's crop of terrorists, gun runners, human smugglers & nation states to transact business. Only one figure would do - BOND... James Bond!

What are James' Bond 'villains' characteristics?  What businesses do they have?  Do James' Bond characters in 'real life' hunt them? No?  When did James Bond first appear in theater? Larger audience on the silver screen? Blind Trusts (Treasured Islands) help? All happening right under our nose for 70 years! 

AIRED: 05.02.19
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Dust In The Wind


James Comey: Life, Career, Achievements & connections to Chicoms.  $6M Man?  He 'looked the other way' & US Defense Comms were compromised.  Immediately after Comey did this, he was graduated up in rank & power - a move that would eventually have him play a pivotal role in The Mule's Frame Job.  How does HSBC feature into this?  HSBC is Hong Kong & Shanghai Banking corporation.  The term "being Shanghai'd" (sold into slavery) fits perfectly.

AIRED: 05.10.19
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Binding The Hounds of Hell

William Barr's Summary Report.  Implicated: Comey, Brennan, Clapper, Hussein, HRC [The Witch] + 22 Others.  Robert Johnston, US Marine Corps & Crowdstrike:  Counter-Intelligence Gone Bad, The Hammer In Action, Plausible Deniability & JUSTICE SERVED!  The End Is Near?  Hardly! Guarding the Gates of Hell is a three-headed dog, who's sole function is to assure that every being passing into death is, in fact dead. Is Cerberus Capital Management one of the globalist capital management firms implicated in making sure there is a bright line between those Chinese officials offering bribes & money laundering, and those Private Trusts of the Luciferian Deep State?  No one gets past this dog, who lives!

AIRED: 05.17.19
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Fools Gold

Some serve the lord of Darkness - and have been converting human life into blood money.  God sees it all!  And through our investigations - now, we do too:  Park Con-Game, Biological, Warfare, Economic Motivators [OIL, Money - People], Enslavement is the feeblest part only part of it.  Paddock's Las Vegas massacre only a side show - the main event, was an attempted assassination:  President Trump & Saudi Crowned Prince.  Dopey takes his POTUS attacks public & hangs by his feet in return!

AIRED: 05.22.19

Sir Lawrence of Arabia

The money of kings changes hands - in flesh & blood. If paper is the currency of debt & slavery, silver & gold are the currency of princes.  Blood & oil are the currencies of kings! How's your wallet?
The Suez canal (re: #017 // Advertising Globalist Bondage - is the center to the Human Slave Trade.  Through this narrow waterway through the Egyptian desert pass millions of Europeans to processing plants in China - and other precious cargo.

AIRED: 05.29.19

The Mule's Homework

The Mule was groomed as a Luciferian Embed from the 1950's forward - and from evidence we'll review in future shows, it appears his true father may actually have been Heinrich Muller of Nazi Gestapo infamy.  The term "Mule" describes more than a hooved quadruped ... it describes someone who carries heavy contraband across contested borders - just as it describes someone belonging to the Democrat Party.
When The Mule was drafted and went to Vietnam, he did not waste a minute setting up The Golden Triangle - what would fund the Rise of Communist China - and the destruction of the United States.  Join us as we explore the consequences of having embedded Mules throughout our Justice System (with College Degrees in International Commerce):  News & Q's:  D-Day Remembered. Trump/May Presser, Interview w/Daddy Dragon (second part - as MI5 cut him off mid-sentence last time!).
The Mule - When Rats Disavow Their Own (they eat each other)
Daddy D presented the Bill of Rights and Good Dog - the Bill of Wrongs which articulated the Jesuit assault on English Peasantry & what it means today.

AIRED: 06.07.19

The Walking Dead

Communist Digital Authoritarians have wrested control of monopoly Tech Giants, for example, Google, Twitter, Facebook, YouTube, etc.  What's worse, they've partnered with Deep State Intelligence networks to kill free speech - and erase resistance.  What are they hiding?  Smuggling children for fun & profit!  Kindertransport. Goes right to the top!


This channel was hacked, taken down, deplatformed - all in a span of 5 days - this show, examines How This Was Done - and what to do about it!

AIRED: 06.17.19

Sum We All Feared

Hireling legislators first excited a global nuclear weapon modernization program, the immediately announced a Strategic Arms Reduction Talks (START) program which would launder 45,000 nuclear warheads and their delivery systems into the hands of Ukrainian Nazi’s.  The hireling legislators made out like bandits – as they sold their fellow Americans down the river in exchange for money. They never imagined we’d find out. You don’t want to miss this move-Y!  Special guest Field McConnell walks us through the connections!

AIRED: 06.28.19

Look Who's Talking

Jeffrey Epstein continues to lead our news segment tonight - as 32 New Q have been issued since last show:  they all point to a Deep State Judas ratting out the Pedovoria Club and all who partake of Lucifer's promise.


Tonight's show begins with President Trump's declaration of war against Global Tech Titans - professional troll armies created and deployed to destroy Freedom on a Global Scale - and the need to band together and fight this doom.  We then lay the groundwork for the crescendo of SUM WE ALL FEARED & the death of Treason.  We need your help!  Will you join the fight?


AIRED: 07.09.19

Q Storm Warning

First and foremost, this channel and website are about the Q Movement for truth and the anonymous Patriots who dig for it - and present it to the masses.  Without honest reporting, there can be no freedom at all.  And sadly, our mainstream media news has become nothing more than a compromised Propaganda arm of the communist party (masquerading as Democrats & RINO Republicans).  5W1H [who, what, where, when, why and how] of the Q Drops - and tonight - the Q Posts were flying!


After last night's Q-Baby Presidential Speech (as the event will be known) - an ultimate Q Proof was demonstrated before the gathered masses:  A Q Post 9 months ago, forecast the appearance of a 'beautiful baby' - wearing the Letter Q.  So much more to this episode - 1 hour and 36 minutes of intense Q-Decodes and news review.  Sheep No More! 


AIRED: 07.19.19
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Rods From God

Focusing on POTUS' symbolism of 4th of July 2019 Celebration in Washington - we decode the attack pattern and deployment of the Stealth Bomber (Jeff Sessions) and his two Stealth Fighter Wing-men (Trey Gowdy and John Goodlatte).


Having reviewed President Trump's warning against going down the path of Congressional Treason - the stage is now set for the exposure of their world: a Luciferian World of Child Bloodletting, Satan worship and worse.  The immovable object (their pride) is about to meet the Irresistible Force of Divine Judgment.  Special guest Doreen Dotan gives us a lesson in Sabbatian Evil.

AIRED: 07.22.19
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Oh My God, It's Full of Stars!

Action packed episode decoding the latest News and Qs, reviewing Secretary of State Pompeo's speech before the Human Trafficking Interdiction Commission - we review the key events leading up to the attempted murder [masked as "suicide" of the bait] known as Jeffrey Epstein.


It might be easier to ask - who might want JE alive - because, apparently, JE has the dirt on nearly every Pedo/Luciferian in Congress and amongst Foreign Heads of State and even Royalty as well.  This is an episode for the record books.  35 New Q!

AIRED: 07.26.19

Blood Lust

President Trump holds a rally in Cincinnati, Ohio​ and releases symbolism and support of the Q Movement generally - and the take down of the Deep State particularly. 


At the conclusion of the rally, we continue the Deep Dive into Get Smart, Vatican Implications and Dog Star Implications that are driving the Q Narrative.  What is clear from the symbolism - and the ancient connections, stylized graffiti, bones and charred markings - there has been an ongoing consumption of humans for more than a thousand years.  What is more, the evidence suggests the practice is ongoing!  There are 2 new Q.

AIRED: 08.01.19

Legalized Propaganda

What if the power of the Deep State is just as illusory as the false facts they no longer sell us? What if their drugs are fake? Their justice is fake? Their wars are fake? Their money is fake?  Their news is fake?
Let's peel this tear-jerking onion of falsehood back - and see things as they really are. Because if everything they are peddling is a lie - and make no mistake, everything they say is indeed a lie - they all the brush fires of danger their fellow travelers are spewing are also fake - and we'd do well to stand our ground - come what may.
Nearing the end of Bill Clinton's second term - even as Clinton was comparing bootlegging lawlessness with Russia's Boris Yeltsin over potato farming - Hollywood's Clown Army burped up Wag The Dog - a black comedy political satire that villified the gross stupidity of a gullible American Public - as their Hollywood actors - led by Dustin Hoffman and Robert De Niro - drove civility and justice off the cliffs of their insanity.  At one point, they even 'mistakenly parrot that this is all a satanic plan - but, Dustin chokes back this truth down his wicked throat.
Thing is - a black comedy of this sort - speaks truth, to those who've awakened like us.  Witness this gothic horror story that slaughtered so many of our sons and daughters, these wicked felons have to use their private jets to fly over our family's dead bodies.  Propaganda has a price - and Hussein's Heroes made it all legal - and in living color.

AIRED: 08.07.19

Statue of Liberty Play

Special show tonight: we trace the Deep State's attempt the steal freedom & murder truth - plus a featured discussion as to what Atonement means & why it's pursuit drove me out of Tech!


Tonight's show examines the KeyStone Cops routine of the FBI & SDNY assault on Little Saint James Island.  We also examine a Russian Ground Penetrating Radar application by the FBI for use in searching underground on the island for hidden lairs, buried bones & treasures.


Next, we examine the historical context and implications of a recent James Comey tweet portending a coming False Flag operation?  The show is named after this apparent operation: Statue of Liberty Play. 


Our Deep Dive tonight considers the possibly perjurious testimony of Sundar Pichai, Google CEO v. Recent Project Veritas revelations! 

AIRED: 08.14.19
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The United States does not exist in a vacuum of Space.  Does anyone find it interesting - that at the same moment the Deep State attempts a Coup d'Etat against the United States, they poison our air and water, food and education system - they compromise our Judiciary, Federal Constabularies as well as attempt to wipe out US Small Business [ie. Amazon] - that the Flat Earth movement began?


Historically, which was the last period where the common man was compelled to believe in the plastic banana known as Flat Earth?  About the time Galileo was put under House Arrest for suggesting an alternative to an Earth-Centered Universe?  Who put him there?


US Space Policy is synonymous with the existence of the United States - and THEY KNOW IT.  Listen and learn what is really going on in the Heavens - and take a stand against their Flat Earth Buffoonery!

AIRED: 08.20.19

Eye of the Beholder

Despite Globalist Censorship, our show continues to be visible on backup channels & Censorship-choked YT version also made it into the ether.  Why the censorship?


Watch, as we document the lies by omission and obfuscation of Deep State Actors as they try to put a lovely varnish of inclusion and 'non-binary' truth around rigging a coin flipping election.  Could real elections be rigged in just this same manner, by a computer that 'Knows Better' than We, The People?  Tonight's show explores the frightening realities of Palantir coupled with a malevolence that does not mind injuring and killing men - a force that only tells lies continually.


The "Inventor" of Quantum Computing" walks us through the most interesting and complex machinery that manipulates space and time - and can even alter the course of History - after the fact.  Join us in prayer - as we prove what Truth Can Do Instead!

AIRED: 08.30.19

Titanic Consequences

The international banking cartel was the first overt act of a multi-millennial attack on mankind with the single purpose of enslaving those who will be cowed into compliance and murdering the rest.  Our objective is to stop them - without invoking a civil war or revolution within these United States- either of which would spell certain doom for all mankind.  All our money and hope has been cast into the pot - and we must pray for Holy Intervention against this wicked foe.

The consequences of their hidden plot are titanic however this ends up!
Join us as we delve deeply into the keystone into the enemy's plan.  You see, the enemy can only work through men - and he can only do this through deceit.  Because once we learn what this his plan is all about, there is no option but to stop him.

AIRED: 09.06.19

The Gates of Hell Shall Not Prevail

POTUS delivers a House Republican Conference Dinner speech - rousing in implications - to sometimes tepid response - symbolically demonstrating this battle still has a long way to go!  While Elon Musk warns us about the coming A.I. Apocalypse - as he admits he is deploying the Terminator's "SkyNet" - yet seems to find the irony unremarkable - even worthy of sardonic humor.  Truly one of the most horror filled speeches ever delivered when taken into proper historical context.  We shall return to this important segment many times in the coming months.


Our Deep Dive segment features the second interview with Cody Snodgres; former Clown and Soldier of Fortune - Cody has come out from the Darkness to tell the tail of Gun-Running, Drug-Running, Child-Trafficking and Treason.  We investigate the "Other Side" - and what Heaven might teach us - as a family of Man - and as leaders in our families collectively.

AIRED: 09.16.19
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Helm's Deep Part Two

Adam Schiff's Deep State Treasonists have bitten off more than they can chew as Secretary Pompeo denies the House of Representatives Unconstitutional demands to thwart the rule of law.  Meanwhile, POTUS doubles down, defiantly attacking those who would destroy these United States during a time of war - including those in the hireling press.


POTUS swears in a new Labor Secretary and triumphantly welcomes in our 20th Chair of the Joint Chiefs of Staff - while the remaining chess pieces of Good and Evil battle across the body politic - from Soros' hireling Nazi stooges, to paid & armed invasion armies - to hireling press who obscure the facts and occult warriors scour the countryside looking for booty.

Tonight's Deep Dive investigates a broken Chicom Spying Network in the San Francisco Bay area - and the Congressional implications that go all the way up to the Regime Leader Hussein's traitorous White House. This IS the Last Battle of Freedom!  We are now compelled to choose which side of the battle lines we are aligned with - Good or Evil?  There is no middle ground. 

AIRED: 10.01.19
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Grand Tetons

Tonight's show begins with an update to Treason, Inc: A piece from The Blaze that proves POTUS' Witch Hunt theory as stone cold truth - while at the same time, proves the Leftist Long March towards Impeachment is nothing more than a Coup Conspiracy in Fact.  Steve Hilton then takes us through The Truth About Impeachment - which lays bear the grave consequences should the country slide towards impeachment and Civil War.


Our next segment details POTUS unusual, angry tweet to Turkey - and a threat should Turkey break their promise and go after the Kurds.  Things are definitely heating up in Washington - and it appears to this writer - Civil War - and possibly Global Conflict are staring us dead in the face.

Next, we follow FLOTUS to the Grand Teton National Park - and a curious ceremony there that is the subject of our Deep Dive.  In our Cibolos and Tortugas segment, we document the linkages between Antonin Scalia's murder and the Mexican Drug Cartel and their Clown Handlers.  PURE EVIL.

AIRED: 10.07.19
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Prayer is the answer: it shatters all the plans of the enemy and his hirelings, prayer buckles the walls of their fortress of lies, prayer unites the oppressed - Prayer feeds the hungry and waters our souls in the desert of the enemy's dominion.


Tonight's show opens with a rousing prayer spoken over POTUS at the Value Voters Summit - and opens our inquiry into the depths of their plans.  We hear President Trump in an unguarded moment speak Truth to Power - against all who labor to destroy this country - and even to destroy mankind.  For they do, indeed hate mankind - and all their actions speak louder than their soothing lies of racial 'unity' and eternal free lunch - stealing the work product of others.


Our International Segment details the destruction of Freedom in France - as Leftist Toadies politically lynch a Jew while labeling him a Nazi (seriously).  And the Fake News King is crowned with Project Veritas' and historical review of the formerly 'most trusted names in news'.

AIRED: 10.14.19
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Deep Breath Before The Plunge

Good American Patriots are becoming weary waiting for Deep State Traitors and Terrorists to be brought to Justice.  As we slide inexorably towards the edge of the abyss (at best, Civil War, and at worst, Global Nuclear War: all at the hands of those with something to hide), our fatigue leads too often to despair.  Don't despair!


Monday's show, Damn The Torpedoes revealed something extraordinarily important - the linkage of Bootlegging Crime Families with the marketing and sale of US WMD's - and we returned to this topic in great detail during tonight's show.


Our Deep Dive segment considers the Cabal led Overthrow of the US Presidency - and their attempts to hobble and derail AG William Barr from performing his duties to bring this evil to Light (New York BAR Association).  We also heard from Kurdish Military Leaders (and Turkish Leadership) who praised President Trump for his Brave and Thoughtful/Productive Foreign Policy initiative to break the stalemate along the Syrian border - praise that somehow avoided US MSM coverage in entirety.

AIRED: 10.23.19
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Shock & Awe

The Democrat House of Representatives passed their Procedures measure to Impeach President Trump on a 232 to 196 tally.  Importantly, only 2 Demo's stood up for the Rule of Law - as their Procedures measure includes Star Chamber provisions that are not only beneath our legal standard of "Presumption of Innocence" - but, they also deny POTUS an even footing to even defend himself.


Since October 31st 2017, Q has predicted these godless ape-men would follow the direction of their Digital Overlords - their Luciferian Masters (re: Q16).  Q also assures us this has been allowed for - and that POTUS remains in control.  Does he?


We haven't seen a coven of Demons this agitated since the Nazi's threatened the UK during the Blitz of the Fall of 1940 - with every bit of terror and bloodshed promised if they ever regain control!  Imagine if she HAD won?  Also, YouTube unceremoniously disallowed live-streaming this content - with no warning, no appeal.  Indeed the battle for freedom has now entered our own town - even our very street!  Will you support our cause? 

AIRED: 10.31.19
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Charge of the Light Brigade

Some criminals pass their skill-sets and occult earnings on to their progeny.  Learning to recognize their criminal process, behavioral characteristics and meticulous forethought and planning, can help catch them in the act and stop their crimes against the greater family of man.
In 1854 the British suffered a terrible defeat in the Ukraine at the hands of the Russians. But the crime scene continues to this very day, and with the booty - measured in human life, monetary treasure and resultant power accumulation - if we interrupt the criminal process flow, we can bring these cross-temporal terrorists to justice.
The British loss in the Ukrainian Crimea was pre-planned and by the same purpetrators as today - The House of Rothschild.  Beginning with the poisoning of King George, the blackmail and corruption of his daughter, Victoria - coupled with her subsequent marriage with German Prince Albert of Saxe-Coburg and Gotha - the House of Rothschild first stole the Bank of England at Waterloo, orchestrated the infiltration of the Queen's Buckingham Palace and funded the Proxy Armies of Germany's armed Russia against the United Kingdom's coal and iron mining, oil drilling interests across the Crimean Peninsula.  

AIRED: 11.08.19

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Wages of Sin

While the Impeachment Show Trial looms - the Demo's and RINO's and their hireling Press throw everything they can to try and overthrow the US Government - the Presidency of Donald John Trump - and the votes of 63 Million Americans. How is it that the radical left seem to get away with murder?

Something wicked is being done on a national basis, which provides their dark agenda license - abortion! We begin tonight's show with an essay on the history of Democrat Political Science - and underscore the fact that every year since forcing Republican President Richard Milhouse Nixon, Radical Leftists have tried to impeach every single Republican President - with their Knowing Accomplices in the Media - because when the new slate of Supreme Court Justices take out Abortion, the central pillar of leftist authority will be removed - bringing about the unavoidable collapse of their entire house of cards.

​Tonight's expedition to find the Truth - begins with POTUS joint press conference with the President of Turkey. This meeting is highly significant - coming just a few short weeks after POTUS' successful decapitation of the Globalist Army (ISIS) and their Command Structure. The implications in place, timing, agenda, tactics and absence of Presidential Comity is that Democrat Leaders Pelosi and Schiff are conspiring with these murderous enemies of the United States during a time of War.

Meanwhile, in the House Kangaroo Courtroom Liddle Adam dribbles out his coached, protected, and script reading puppets. The only ones fooled by this sick perversion of Justice are the lapdog press - who slurp up every drop of Liddle Adam's ramblings. Justice Is Coming. And there's not a damned thing these wicked fellow travelers can do about it!

AIRED: 11.15.19

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Writing on the Wall

Tonight's Usual Psalm Sunday is the conclusion to Friday's show that we didn't have time to investigate.


Starting with the Deep Dive into the Orion Constellation decode (aka. THE HUNTER) - we reveal how "The Hunter" makes it's first appearance at Sunset in the Northern Hemisphere tonight - broaching the light of Day.


We break down the historic significance of this Constellation's appearance - in aligning occult activities and human sacrifice & expand how this timing has now been employed by the Q & what the enemy used for Evil - has been turned to Serve Good instead.


Our history segment delves into the occult lifestyle & Cecil Rhodes Luciferian worship: his quotes & actions which demonstrate his darker purpose.  Finally, the Deep State's attack strategy is decoded!


All of this material is reminiscent of the Book of Daniel - from Ch. 5 (handwriting on the Wall) - thru Ch. 14 - & the end of TIME itself!


AIRED: 11.24.19

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House of Cards

Their power pyramid does not include us in their end game.  If we listen to them or those who've been purchased by them, we are dead.  Members of the crime families who unjustly rule over us are placed into those positions of power after a careful occult grooming campaign that begins just after birth.  It is a wicked terror campaign inflicted on these monsters - to prepare them for the slaughter to serve a higher vanity... a hidden vanity - a dark purpose.  And for we, the sheep, they have two personnae - one public, the other, most definiately private.
Publicly, they serve us.  But, in truth, they serve us up for the slaughter in wars which do not profit us, and at our bank accounts, which pilfer away our live's savings through profiteered largess they've labeled 'inflation', never bothering to mention that it is only our cut that was inflated.  Their cut of the action was stolen fair and square in a con-game to bamboozle even the very elect.
Publicly, they offer the false lures of Socialism, but, in the end, their ultimate objective is despotic communism, where the great unwashed are treated with disregard and terror that would make Ivan the Terrible blush.  Indeed, each member of this puppeteered ruling elite is a card carrying communist.
Their offices are stolen.  And they sit in their positions of wealth, never having risked a single vote, because the elections are as false as their baby-kissing politicking.
But, now, we see them for what they truly are.  And their House of Cards is about to collapse under the weight of our now fully awakened scrutiny.  None of them shall escape what is coming.  Not even one.  We must pray for their souls to be saved - even as we stand and demand justice!

AIRED: 11.29.19

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Let There Be Light

With just one more show in this Epic Series - Let There Be Light - exposes the evil that has been going on behind the scenes - in the darkness.  Ironically, just as this story is going to rendering and print, 4 new Q Posts were released - completely in line with tonight's agenda!

Tonight's show begins with the annual White House Christmas Tree Lighting Ceremony.  Our Leadership segment reveals the contents of the President's recent Luncheon with some incendiary comments for those who seek to overthrow the US Government.  


After the Luncheon, we review Tuesday's Bilateral Discussion, paying particular attention to the comments regarding stemming the flow of illegal trade, narcotics and human trafficking, and consider the implications related to the ongoing Impeachmint [sic] saga proceeding in the House of Representatives.  


We conclude our Leadership session with a conclusion to the FLOTUS Christmas Decoration decode - and relate this back to Ukrainian Cookies!

Our Deep Dive segment tonight reviews all the key testimony related to the recently announced Impeachmint ultimatum issued by Nancy Pelosi - as the Demo's and RINO's proceed in their attempt to overthrow our elected government during wartime.  The conclusion to this piece includes a Judgement against this Witches Tribunal - in NANCY PELOSI'S OWN WORDS!

Don't miss this extraordinary Episode - and the Penultimate Conclusion to TIME MACHINE.









AIRED: 12.06.19



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